Sunday, January 4, 2009

Grumpy and Thankful

I know, I know. It seems an obvious oxymoron, and therein lies the rub. Our whole house is grumpy tonight that our beloved Heels lost to (a better shooting) Boston College, but I'm taking the broad view.. we need a loss to get us fully prepared for the tough ACC match ups. Right?!

More importantly, I'm thankful. Something exciting happened today, and I'm more thankful than grumpy. I've had wonderful support here in the blogosphere right from the start, and it's kept my spirits high and my keystrokes self-deprecating. What was this exciting event? What, you ask, could possibly lift me out of the doldrums of losing the #1 ranking in hearts and minds and college basketball polls?

My first blog award!

Yes, it is true. O, ye of little faith.. wait, that was me. My first blog award is A Hoy, given for "Best Up and Coming Blog" by my good pal K over at Interstitial-Life, a blog I am quite fond of reading. I recommend you check out her tales of toddler trials as well!

As part of the award, I will be passing along the honors soon.

To close this woefully last day of our ten-plus day holiday, a toddler tale of cunning and wit: Toddlers are amazing in their sense of humor, and knack for catching every detail. We live in Northern Virginia, and, as such, we recycle.. everything. From paperboard to cardboard to every numbered-plastic, it goes in the blue bin much more often than it does the trash. In other related news, we finally got my 18-mo old a set of those toddler-sized pots and pans, and a whole set of play food. You know the one, from when we were kids: the little grapes, the tiny bananas, the Lilliputian-sized carton of milk and box of cereal.

So, it goes over well. He wakes up from his nap, discovers the treasure trove of play food and cookery, and goes berzerk. Plays and cooks and flips and stirs, enthralled. He was having the time of his life, and yes.. this is AFTER the Christmas week.

You can imagine our collective surprise as my husband and I watched our pragmatic toddler suddenly throw the miniature carton of milk onto the kitchen floor, and proceed to stomp on it. Stomp on it! Hard! I could feel tears running down my cheeks before my laughter made a sound, so hard it was silent. We watched him stomp it flat, then bend to pick it up and hand it to me. He was recycling!

Now, to find a toddler-sized recycling bin.


Anonymous,  January 5, 2009 at 4:15 AM  

That's awesome. Teaching him the important stuff like recycling already.



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