Monday, January 12, 2009

Blogging.. to INFINITY

All right, people. You've got me. I'm hooked. I just started the "for REAL this time" blogging thing, and I'm hooked. I really am! I just did a very big dive, of the bloggy kind, and it took 1) my son's entire nap and my subsequent free time and 2) away from every other chore-y type of thing I had to do. And do you know why I proceeded to blow off planning the preschool curriculum, emptying the dishwasher, planning a playgroup?

Ah, yes, the procrastinator in me always absolutely, positively wins out, but this time was different. (Isn't that always the case?) I actually had a planned blog post for today.. something about the winds of change, the glorious state of being that is savasana, even a bit of prose. That has all changed.

I read my pal K's blog every day, and I'm fascinated with her blogroll, having sort of adopted it myself. Very quality bloggers, these, and by extension, their blogrolls' blogrolls, ad infinitum. Seriously, I started on a pal of a pal, wound up on an Irishman's gorgeous literary journey through the Himalayas, from there went to a fellow Brit's writing blog, jumped to a blog that inspires us all to write like our lives' depended upon it, and so on.

Fret not, o curious ones! I will soon be awarding my a Hoy awards to these and others. It requires much thought. Stay tuned.

The point of all this what? I do have one. It's this: blogging would be a lot less addictive if all that was out there in the blogosphere was crap. But it's not. It's amazing. It's lyrical and gorgeous and heartbreaking and self-effacing and hilarious. In a word, brilliant.

My toddler is bored, and is starting to unload the dishwasher without me. Toddler boredom is like an elephant stampede: you'll probably hear it coming, but if you don't do something it's going to crush you and all your best-laid plans.


Anonymous,  January 12, 2009 at 1:04 PM  

The blog world is so addicting isn't it.

There is some absolutely great stuff out there (and I waste a ton of time too).

Beth January 12, 2009 at 2:03 PM  

Don't feel too bad. I spent my whole nap break uploading pictures onto my blog, & I'm still not quite caught up. It happens!

CDB January 12, 2009 at 3:00 PM  

Ok, at least I'm not alone here!

Preston January 12, 2009 at 6:59 PM  

Congratulations on getting the blogging bug. I highly recommend joing the SITS group. It'll really extend your blogging family!



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