Monday, February 22, 2010

Adventures in Storage

Everyone that has a toddler knows the challenges of having a toddler.

And everyone that has a toddler knows the joy. The question is always, does the joy become the bridge over Challenges River? Can you learn to love something as simple as say, discovering you have pockets?

On Sunday, we went for a very enjoyable, albeit lengthy brunch with a dear friend of mine. All four of us.. baby and toddler in tow. We stayed a little longer than we'd planned, so when he ran out of food, toy trucks and other people, my toddler started entertaining himself with the little packets of jam and jelly on the table. He'd twirl them around, try to open them, guess what was inside... and I'm sure many other pretend things we weren't privy to.

His Dad was a co-conspirator, I found out later.

So we're in the car on the way home. He was tired. Very tired and worn out. After a few minutes of a quiet ride, from the back seat, we began to hear a very faint, quiet toddler voice say:

"I'm.........Not..........Saying anything. I'm not........Saying anything. I'm not saying..... Anything."

My husband and I exchanged a glance, both puzzled. Then we glanced back at my son, and burst out laughing. My husband held out his hand, and asked for my toddler to hand him the packet of Strawberry jam that he'd made off with. Unbeknown to us.

He'd stowed it in his jacket pocket.


Jeanne Estridge February 22, 2010 at 2:44 PM  

These are the discovery years -- enjoy!

septembermom February 22, 2010 at 6:36 PM  

Kids are too funny! I can just picture his face when he said that.

Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings February 22, 2010 at 8:14 PM  

I know this will sound cliche, but this totally sounds like something my child would do. *sigh*

Anonymous,  February 25, 2010 at 11:04 AM  

J is a huge fan of pockets now too.

I've learned to check his pockets before doing laundry because I've already washed several rocks and a stick or two.

Hope all is well with you.



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